Who is eligible to apply for NHS? Juniors and seniors with a 3.75 GPA or higher are invited to apply. Invitations will be distributed to juniors and seniors who meet this criteria early in the 2016-2017 school year.
What happens next? Eligible applicants must attend an informational session scheduled for Monday, November 2nd, to learn more about the application process (requirements and deadlines). Invitations will be sent out within the next few weeks. Those interested in pursuing admittance to NHS will complete a "Declaration of Candidacy" form and write a brief essay on how they plan to contribute to the organization.
Character, Leadership and Service: Candidates are required to demonstrate outstanding character, leadership and service in their applications. Letters or certificates of service provided by volunteer organizations on official organization letter head are required for community service. These letters or certificates should clearly identify the type of service performed, total number of hours and include a supervisor's signature. The faculty council reviews all applications and when determining a community service score the faculty council looks for a sustained commitment over time to community service that meets the NHS community service criteria. Both the quality and the quantity of service are considered by the faculty council. The candidates that score best on service are those that engage in service not as means to entry into NHS, but as part of a sincere commitment to serving their communities as demonstrated by their service record.
**Here is the link that will direct you to FRHSD's Board Policy regarding National Honor Society. http://frhsd.schoolwires.net/Page/403
What happens next? Eligible applicants must attend an informational session scheduled for Monday, November 2nd, to learn more about the application process (requirements and deadlines). Invitations will be sent out within the next few weeks. Those interested in pursuing admittance to NHS will complete a "Declaration of Candidacy" form and write a brief essay on how they plan to contribute to the organization.
Character, Leadership and Service: Candidates are required to demonstrate outstanding character, leadership and service in their applications. Letters or certificates of service provided by volunteer organizations on official organization letter head are required for community service. These letters or certificates should clearly identify the type of service performed, total number of hours and include a supervisor's signature. The faculty council reviews all applications and when determining a community service score the faculty council looks for a sustained commitment over time to community service that meets the NHS community service criteria. Both the quality and the quantity of service are considered by the faculty council. The candidates that score best on service are those that engage in service not as means to entry into NHS, but as part of a sincere commitment to serving their communities as demonstrated by their service record.
**Here is the link that will direct you to FRHSD's Board Policy regarding National Honor Society. http://frhsd.schoolwires.net/Page/403